The following bylaws will serve as a governing document of the Centre.
1.1 All Board Members must adhere to the following duties and responsibilities:
a. Understand and demonstrate a commitment to the Centre’s mission and programs.
b. Keep up to date with issues and trends that affect the Centre.
c. Prepare for meetings by reading agendas, minutes, reports and other documentation required to actively participate in them.
d. Attend meetings regularly (except for the Past President.)
e. Contribute skills and knowledge by participating actively in meetings and committee work.
f. Make inquiries when clarification or more information is needed.
g. Understand and monitor the Centre’s financial affairs.
h. Avoid any potential conflicts of interest.
i. Understand and maintain confidentiality.
j. Provide up-to-date and accurate physical and mailing addresses, email address and phone number they can be reached at to the Secretary for the Centre’s Records.
k. Must adhere to the Constitution, By-laws, Policies and Guidelines of the Centre and sign to acknowledge their agreement of such prior to accepting a position on the Board of Directors or while maintaining their position upon request of the President.
2.1 PAST PRESIDENT (ex –officio)
a. Shall normally serve as an advisor to the Board.
b. Shall provide specific services only as required and as determined by the Board.
c. Does not need to attend monthly meetings unless specifically requested to do so by the Board.
a. Shall be the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER of Valour Community Centre Inc.
b. Shall preside over all Special, General, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee Meetings of the Centre.
c. Shall be an Ex Officio non-voting Member of all Standing and Special Committees and only vote to break a tie during meetings.
d. Can act as a signing officer.
e. Shall implement all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors.
f. Shall work with the Manager to prepare and submit to the members at the annual meeting a report of the preceding year for its approval.
g. Shall act as the Liaison Officer to The City of Winnipeg and GCWCC on matters affecting the operation of the Centre.
h. Shall be the Centre’s representative on the CCCCB.
i. Shall work with the Manager, Treasurer and other Directors as needed to ensure the development of the annual budget for Board approval and shall aid in the long-term planning for the Centre.
j. Shall direct policy formation and management planning for the Centre’s operation.
k. Shall provide direction and encouragement to the members of the Board and Executive Committee in the performance of their duties.
l. Shall perform any Director’s duties where Directors are unable to do so.
m. The President will have served with the board for 1 year prior to being elected to the position or have demonstrated capabilities of prior experience and be appointed by the board by special resolution in the case of a vacancy.
n. Shall perform other such duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. In the Absence of the President shall assume the duties and powers of the President or shall ensure that the Board appoints a designate to perform their duties.
b. Shall assist the Manager, if required, with the hiring, training, supervising and scheduling of the employees of the Centre, and assist with yearly job performance evaluations of staff and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
c. Shall maintain appropriate data, files, and records to properly plan for staff and volunteer time.
d. Shall be a contact person who staff and volunteers can come to with ideas/concerns in the workplace.
e. Can act as a signing officer.
f. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. In the absence of the President and Vice President of Human Resources, shall ensure that the Board appoints a designate to perform their duties.
b. Shall work with the Manager regarding any equipment or facility requirements.
c. Can act as a signing officer.
d. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall keep the community informed of the various workings of the Centre via newsletters, bulletins, press, radio, television, notices to the schools, our website, social media platforms, along with any other advertising that may be required.
b. They shall be responsible for the distribution of the bulletins and any other special notices as required.
c. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
d. They shall have access to any social media account or email account that represents the Centre.
e. Develop and oversee the implementation of the marketing plan and work with the Treasurer to develop a budget for the marketing plan.
f. Can act as a signing officer.
g. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. They shall be responsible for organizing and coordinating all social activities undertaken on behalf of the Centre and work closely with the Manager in planning any said events.
b. They shall oversee creating ad-hoc committees for those willing to raise funds with Board approved fundraisers.
c. Work with the Treasurer or Manager to create a budget for these activities.
d. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
e. Can act as a signing officer.
f. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. They shall assist the President and the Manager and Directors in preparation of
budgets and forecasts.
b. Can act as a signing officer.
c. They shall assist the Manager in overseeing all bookkeeping and have the Manager provide financial reports for the Treasurer to present at all meetings.
d. The Treasurer will have served with the board for 1 year prior to being elected to the position or have demonstrated capabilities of prior experience unless appointed by the board in the case of a vacancy.
e. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall issue or cause to be issued notices of all meetings.
b. Maintain records of all correspondence, and provide names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of all members of the Board to the Manager.
c. Shall record all meeting minutes and distribute them within one week of the meeting at which they were recorded.
d. Will advise all board members or remind them of any regular, special, or Annual General Meeting times and locations via telephone/e-mail.
e. They shall maintain, or cause to maintain, and ensure effective management of the Board’s records and ensure regular compliance with all federal, provincial or municipal statutes, laws, by laws, regulations or other ordinances or directions.
f. They may attend CCCCB meetings if the Manager or the President cannot make it.
g. Can act as a signing officer.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Hockey program.
b. Will ensure that proper documentation is given to the Manager in order that proper records can be maintained.
c. They will be required to represent the Centre at all area association meetings.
d. They shall be responsible for assisting the Manager in the coordination of any registration days, pictures, or banquets as per the Centre’s guidelines.
e. They shall assist the Manager regarding the purchase or distribution of any equipment.
f. They will report directly to the President or Manager and will provide any information required, so that it can be reported to the Board.
g. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Mini-Soccer program,
b. Will ensure that proper documentation is given to the Manager in order that proper records can be maintained.
c. They will be required to represent the Centre at all area association meetings.
d. They shall be responsible for assisting the Manager in the coordination of any registration days, pictures, or banquets as per the Centre’s guidelines.
e. They shall assist the Manager regarding the purchase or distribution of any equipment.
f. They will report directly to the President or Manager and will provide any information required, so that it can be reported to the Board.
g. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Soccer program.
b. Will ensure that proper documentation is given to the Manager in order that proper records can be maintained.
c. They will be required to represent the Centre at all area association meetings.
d. They shall be responsible for assisting the Manager in the coordination of any registration days, pictures, or banquets as per the Centre’s guidelines.
e. They shall assist the Manager regarding the purchase or distribution of any equipment.
f. They will report directly to the President or Manager and will provide any information required, so that it can be reported to the Board.
g. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Volleyball program.
b. Will ensure that proper documentation is given to the Manager in order that proper records can be maintained.
c. They will be required to represent the Centre at all area association meetings.
d. They shall be responsible for assisting the Manager in the coordination of any registration days, pictures, or banquets as per the Centre’s guidelines.
e. They shall assist the Manager regarding the purchase or distribution of any equipment.
f. They will report directly to the President or Manager and will provide any information required, so that it can be reported to the Board.
g. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Basketball program.
b. Will ensure that proper documentation is given to the Manager in order that proper records can be maintained.
c. They will be required to represent the Centre at all area association meetings.
d. They shall be responsible for assisting the Manager in the coordination of any registration days, pictures, or banquets as per the Centre’s guidelines.
e. They shall assist the Manager regarding the purchase or distribution of any equipment.
f. They will report directly to the President or Manager and will provide any information required, so that it can be reported to the Board.
g. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Football and Flag Football programs.
b. Will ensure that proper documentation is given to the Manager in order that proper records can be maintained.
c. They will be required to represent the Centre at all area association meetings.
d. They shall be responsible for assisting the Manager in the coordination of any registration days, pictures, or banquets as per the Centre’s guidelines.
e. They shall assist the Manager regarding the purchase or distribution of any equipment.
f. They will report directly to the President or Manager and will provide any information required, so that it can be reported to the Board.
g. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Lacrosse program
b. Will ensure that proper documentation is given to the Manager in order that proper records can be maintained.
c. They will be required to represent the Centre at all area association meetings.
d. They shall be responsible for assisting the Manager in the coordination of any registration days, pictures, or banquets as per the Centre’s guidelines.
e. They shall assist the Manager regarding the purchase or distribution of any equipment.
f. They will report directly to the President or Manager and will provide any information required, so that it can be reported to the Board.
g. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Boxing program.
b. Will ensure that proper documentation is given to the Manager in order that proper records can be maintained.
c. They will be required to represent the Centre at all area association meetings.
d. They shall be responsible for assisting the Manager in the coordination of any registration days, pictures, or banquets as per the Centre’s guidelines.
e. They shall assist the Manager regarding the purchase or distribution of any equipment.
f. They will report directly to the President or Manager and will provide any information required, so that it can be reported to the Board.
g. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Orioles Bike Cage program.
b. Will ensure that proper documentation is given to the Manager in order that proper records can be maintained.
c. They will be required to represent the Centre at all area association meetings.
d. They shall be responsible for assisting the Manager in the coordination of any registration days, pictures, or banquets as per the Centre’s guidelines.
e. They shall assist the Manager regarding the purchase or distribution of any equipment.
f. They will report directly to the President or Manager and will provide any information required, so that it can be reported to the Board.
g. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
h. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
4.1 MANAGER (non-voting ex-officio)
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the facilities that the Centre operates.
b. Shall provide leadership and vision in providing a broad range of recreational and leisure activities/programs for persons of all ages who reside within the Valour Community Centre boundaries and work with the Directors to deliver the programs.
c. They monitor and work to improve services provided to the community as well as monitor facility usage by scheduling the facilities to maximize their usage, which will help to ensure future growth of the facilities.
d. They shall provide representation at meetings with potential partners, the Federal, Municipal, and Provincial levels of Government, and the GCWCC to facilitate the delivery of programs for the community.
e. They shall recruit, hire, train, and supervise all personnel employed by the facilities. Duties include (but not limited to) scheduling, assigning, and reviewing work.
i. ii. In consultation with the Vice President of Human Resources initiate annual job performance evaluations of all staff and
ii. make recommendations to the Board.
f. The Manager shall assist and participate in all phases of setting fees, program registration, and maintain records for all aspects of registration.
g. The Manager shall control purchases of equipment and supplies, maintain inventory, and record and reports for all programs.
h. They shall receive and account for cash from canteen sales, facility rentals, and program registrations.
i. Shall represent the Centre in contacts with outside groups and individuals using the facilities and recommend and initiate changes in programs in response to the user's concerns or comments.
j. The Manager shall work with the President, Childcare Director and Treasurer to prepare all budgets and financial projections and ensure that the Centre’s assets are adequately safeguarded from loss.
k. They shall research and apply for all grants that are applicable to the Centre.
l. The Manager shall provide leadership by communicating well, maintaining good business principles, ensuring that public relations are handled in a courteous and professional manner, and representing the Centre in a positive light.
m. Shall serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors
i. The Manager prepares clear and timely reports for the Board’s consideration and shall follow up any concerns that the Board may have by researching issues to come up with possible solutions,
ii. shall keep the Board informed about matters at and in between Board meetings.
iii. make sound decisions on behalf of the Board of Directors and work with them to prepare the vision and future of the facilities.
n. Shall be ex-officio (appointed/not be elected) and selected through a staff hiring policy/guideline.
o. Can act as a signing officer.
p. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
4.2 Childcare Director (non-voting ex-officio)
a. Shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the childcare facility that the Centre operates.
b. Work with the Manitoba Early Learning and Childcare (MELCC) to maintain licensing requirements.
c. They shall recruit, hire, train, and supervise all personnel employed by the childcare facility.
This may include (but not limited to)
i. scheduling, assigning, and reviewing work.
ii. initiate annual job performance evaluations of all staff
iii. make recommendations to the Board.
d. The Childcare Director shall participate in all phases of setting fees, program registration, and maintain records for all aspects of licensing.
e. The Childcare Director shall control purchases of equipment and supplies, maintain inventory, and record and reports for the childcare program.
f. The Childcare Director shall work with the President, Treasurer and Manager (& bookkeeper) to prepare all budgets and financial projections and ensure that the Centre’s assets are adequately safeguarded from loss.
g. They shall research and apply for all grants that are applicable to the childcare facility.
h. The Childcare Director shall provide leadership by communicating well, maintaining good business principles, ensuring that public relations are handled in a courteous and professional manner, and representing the Centre in a positive light.
i. The Childcare Director should work with the parent representatives to assist in preparing clear and timely reports for the Board’s consideration and shall follow up any concerns that the Board may have by researching issues to come up with possible solutions,
j. Shall serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors
k. Shall be ex-officio (appointed/not be elected) and selected through a staff hiring policy/guideline.
l. shall keep the Board informed about matters at and in between Board meetings.
m. Can be a signing officer.
n. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
a. Shall perform duties as requested by the Board.
a. Meet with and support the Childcare Director as needed to discuss childcare specifics.
b. Support childcare staff with matters the Childcare Director may not be able to assist with.
c. Shall bring issues to the Board about matters arising with the Childcare Director.
d. They shall provide reports for the monthly meetings.
e. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
5.0 Installation of the newly elected board members shall commence on the day they were elected to the Board and shall maintain that position for the term of one year (or the next AGM, whichever is first). If a board member cannot complete the term of office, the remaining Board may appoint an alternate for the balance of the term by ordinary resolution.
5.1 All Elected board members must reside in the City of Winnipeg.
5.2 All elected Executive Committee Members must reside within the Centre’s boundaries except when the person has demonstrated capabilities of prior experience and is appointed by the board by special resolution in the case of a vacancy.
5.3 Anyone employed by the Centre can maintain a not-specifically-related volunteer position on the Board but must abstain from voting on issues declared a conflict of interest to that person.
6.1 At the Annual General Meeting, the order shall be as follows:
1. Call to order
2. Approval of the Agenda—Additions
3. Approval of the Minutes—Previous Annual General Meeting
4. Business arising out of minutes
5. Reports
- President
- Manager
- VP of Human Resources
- VP of Facilities and Grounds
- VP of Communications
- VP of Social Activities and Special Events
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Directors
- General Members at Large
- Members at Large - Childcare Reps
- Committees
6. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws
7. New Business
8. Election of Officers
9. Adjournment
6.2 For Board Meetings, the order shall be as follows:
1. Call to order
2. Approval of agenda—additions
3. Approval of previous minutes
4. Business arising out of minutes
5. Reports
- President
- Manager
- VP of Human Resources
- VP of Facilities and Grounds
-VP of Communications
- VP of Social Activities and Special Events
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Directors
-General Members at Large
- Members at Large - Childcare Reps
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
6.3 For Special Meetings, the order shall be as follows:
1. Call to order
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Discussion of business for which meeting was called
4. Adjournment
These Bylaws have been approved by Ordinary Resolution at the Annual General Meeting held on June 26, 2024, and shall stand as the current Bylaws of Valour Community Centre Inc.